
Thursday Jan 11, 2018
Episode 110 - We’re Stylin’: Interview with a Hairdresser
Thursday Jan 11, 2018
Thursday Jan 11, 2018
This week, we visit Melodie Laird, a stylist at Dino Palmieri Salon, in Fairlawn's Summit Mall, who takes great care in her work. She’s able to read people and their hair to determine the best style for her customers. She also discusses how her job is part psychologist, and she’s even inadvertently helped save a customer from a health scare, as she points out when recounting a memorable experience. And Shane, Ryan and Cody get their hair styled, which you can see by checking out our accompanying video on the Spoils of Akron Facebook page.

Wednesday Dec 20, 2017
Episode 109 - A Virtual Future for Akron
Wednesday Dec 20, 2017
Wednesday Dec 20, 2017
While virtual reality is typically known within gaming and entertainment, there are a number of practical applications for this technology, says Eric Vaughan and Tony Samangy, who join Shane and Cody to talk about their Knight Arts Challenge winning grant. The project, a collaboration between Red Point Digital and VR Skunkworks, will not only teach virtual reality production to local children, but it will also specialize in stop-motion animation, making this a rare opportunity for learning. They discuss narrative virtual reality, along with the challenges of applying stop-motion animation in a 360-degree space, which is wholly unique. This is the final installment in a series about recent Knight Arts Challenge winners. To see a full list of grantees, visit https://knightfoundation.org/articles/meet-akron-s-2017-knight-arts-challenge-winners.

Wednesday Dec 13, 2017
Episode 108 - Gender-Bending the Bard
Wednesday Dec 13, 2017
Wednesday Dec 13, 2017
William Shakespeare’s plays were challenging gender and identity long before today’s discussion of gender fluidity, and his prolific body of work was ahead of its time in many ways. A new project by Rubber City Theatre, called Shakesqueer, taps into this universality of Shakespeare’s works and will adapt a few classics with LGBT themes and characters that are also reflective of Akron. The idea was a recent winner in the Knight Arts Challenge and Dane Leasure, founder and artistic director of Rubber City Theatre, joins Shane, Cody and Chris to talk about Shakesqueer, the theatre company’s new home on Romig Road (part of a unique partnership with the Salvation Army of Akron and Summit County) and the troupe’s current production of Charles Dickens’ "A Christmas Carol." For more info and to find upcoming Rubber City Theatre productions this season, visit www.rubbercitytheatre.com. This is the third podcast in a series featuring Knight Arts Challenge winners.

Tuesday Dec 05, 2017
Episode 107 - Akron’s Urban Troubadours
Tuesday Dec 05, 2017
Tuesday Dec 05, 2017
When Jane Berkner founded Urban Troubadour, she wanted to offer Akronites a taste of musical culture and engagement within unique spaces, like art galleries, hotels and other attractions, featuring a collective of area musicians. Urban Troubadour also is a recent winner of the Knight Arts Challenge, which Berkner says will help raise the organization’s profile and help continue these performancess. One of the goals, she says, is to get residents downtown and into urban spaces to explore and enjoy the character and architecture of these buildings. Chris and Cody speak with Jane about her goals and aspirations for this collective and some of the challenges with being an artist in Akron. For info about upcoming performances, visit https://www.urbantroubadour.org/.

Tuesday Nov 28, 2017
Episode 106 - The Bechdel Fest: Moving the Needle on Equality
Tuesday Nov 28, 2017
Tuesday Nov 28, 2017
This week, we welcome Brit Charek, a recent winner of the Knight Arts Challenge, whose project will take a unique spin on film festivals. The Bechdel Fest will highlight movies that pass the “Bechdel Test,” coined by Alison Bechdel, which requires that there are two women who talk to each other about something besides a man. You’d be surprised at the number of mainstream films that lack this criteria, she says, hoping this project will help move the needle on the way we look at equality. Brit, who also runs the wildly successful Crafty Mart, visits Shane and Chris, along with her two boys, one of whom is likely the youngest podcast guest in Spoils of Akron history. This is the first interview in a series featuring recent Knight Arts Challenge winners. For a full list of grantees, visit https://knightfoundation.org/articles/meet-akron-s-2017-knight-arts-challenge-winners.

Wednesday Nov 08, 2017
Episode 105 - Heroes and Villains: On Location at Akron Comicon
Wednesday Nov 08, 2017
Wednesday Nov 08, 2017
The Spoils of Akron team visits the recent Akron Comicon, which has become more successful with each year. We speak with Ted Sikora and Milo Miller, who created a Cleveland-based comic that’s taken the comics world by storm. "Apama: The Undiscovered Animal" centers around IIlyia Jarsky, an ice cream truck driver who awakens a savage creature within. We also speak with Marc Sumerak, a local writer who has worked on a number of notable titles, from "Guardians of the Galaxy" and "X-Men" to "Avengers" and the "Walking Dead." Shane and Chris interview Ryan and Cody about their group Rubber City Cosplay, and we also speak with Mike Savene, co-founder of Akron Comicon, who shares some news about upcoming events. For info, visit http://www.akroncomicon.com/.

Wednesday Oct 18, 2017
Episode 104 - A Second Chance for Akron’s Homeless
Wednesday Oct 18, 2017
Wednesday Oct 18, 2017
When Sage Lewis ran for mayor two years ago, he saw the problem of homelessness firsthand while canvassing the city. Since then, he’s put his money where his mouth is by launching a number of efforts, including the Second Chance Store and Village, which carries a sense of community, responsibility and dignity for those facing homelessness. Run by Paul Hays, who himself was in a rough situation before joining this group, the Second Chance Village is a mini tent city with its own council, set of rules and conduct and job-training within the on-site second-hand store on the property. Sage says the village also teaches people a sense of pride and responsibility. Cody, Shane and Chris speak with Sage and Paul about this unique program. To contribute to the effort, visit www.thehomelesscharity.org.

Tuesday Sep 26, 2017
Episode 103 - It's Liz, Live From Florida
Tuesday Sep 26, 2017
Tuesday Sep 26, 2017
In this episode, we catch up with Liz Tyran, our amazing former co-host, who moved to Key West earlier this year. A lot has happened since her and Jason have moved, including hurricanes, new jobs, an adjustment to island living and a temporary move while the coastal areas pick up the pieces from the recent devastating storms. Despite these setbacks, Liz (who calls in from Melbourne, Florida) shows her signature positivity and sense of humor. She also shares a sea turtle story, which takes a few dark turns.

Tuesday Sep 19, 2017
Episode 102 - Peace is an Active Process: Zach Freidhof
Tuesday Sep 19, 2017
Tuesday Sep 19, 2017
Zach Freidhof wears many hats: artist, songwriter, community organizer, peace activist, sustainability champion. But all of these interests converge when it comes to helping to build peaceful communities. Zach visits Cody and Chris to talk about Akron Peace Month, a whole month’s worth of workshops, concerts, yoga summits, community art installations and more, culminating with the area’s first “Hands On Sustainability” conference. Along with being a well-known musician and songwriter, Zach is part of the Big Love Network and Akron City Repair, which work to empower neighborhood leaders to be a more active part of their communities. For more about his music, visit zachmusic.net. For a full schedule of Peace Month activities, visit www.akronpeace.love.

Tuesday Aug 29, 2017
Episode 101 - We’re Not Making This Up: It’s Danny Volk
Tuesday Aug 29, 2017
Tuesday Aug 29, 2017
This week, Shane, Cody and Chris welcome Danny Volk, whose YouTube series puts a unique spin on the traditional interview scenario. During each episode of “Made-Up with Danny Volk” the artist applies makeup to Danny during the interview, offering his face as a canvas of sorts and helping to lower the artist’s inhibitions (and removing the usual personal space of two people talking). For his new season, “Made-Up with Danny Volk: The Akron Sessions,” Danny's returning to his hometown of Akron (from his current home in Chicago) to interview artists like Kate Budd, Elisa Gargarella and Kathryn Shinko, along with the current roster of Akron Soul Train artist fellows. This season also will weave a biofictional element into the web series. You can find the episodes at https://www.youtube.com/user/MUwDV, or on his website (http://www.madeupwithdannyvolk.com/), along with social media.